Saturday, May 19, 2007

Greeting Guests and Friends

A display at the park shared the hospitality of Lewis and Clark as they made their famous expedition to the west in search for an inland route to the Pacific Ocean. It was their custom to greet Native Americans along the way with a peace pipe and tobacco. Representing peace and friendship, it was an important part of their routine.

Aren't you glad that we don't have to smoke pipes these days when a guest comes to visit?

In what ways do you greet your guests and friends? Many cultures greet people with a handshake. Some with a hug. Europeans and Middle Easterners greet by kissing each other's cheeks. It seems to me that Hollywood greets this way as well.

How do you make your guests and friends feel most welcome in your home?

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. In Wales, if you are not offered a cup of tea in the first ten minutes of the visit then you know that they don't want you there!...
    (You are always offered tea, almost as soon as your foot is over the doorstep)


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