Welcome to the World!
We're so glad that you're here!
A sweet little treasure
sent from above,
a coo and a smile,
wrapped up in love...
We're so glad that you're here!
A sweet little treasure
sent from above,
a coo and a smile,
wrapped up in love...

One small hand to hold in yours,
One small face to smile,
One wet kiss as he says "good-night"
One small child.
Catch the moment, put it in your heart
The years too soon will fly.
These are precious moments,
more than money can buy.
Two small arms to hold you tight,
Two small feet to run,
Two small eyes full of love for you,
One small son.
Catch the moment and put it in your heart
and never let it go.
Save it for the years to come
when he, too, will know.
One small hand to hold in his
One small face to smile.
One small kiss and he says "Good Night"
One small child.

Darling baby, Jacob Scott
Many happy hours you'll share with those who love
you as they generously dote on you, teach you,
and share life's lessons with you.
Congratulations to your happy parents!
Many happy hours you'll share with those who love
you as they generously dote on you, teach you,
and share life's lessons with you.
Congratulations to your happy parents!