Quiet beauty. Fragrance. Flutter.
The meadow is lush and green, thanks to the cool and rainy weather of June.
It was a cabin day.
Sudo, the city dog, is taking it all in and seems to find that country life appeals to her too.
The view from our perch on the point.
Yarrow fills the meadow.
We found a turkey feather near the fire pit. We didn't see any turkeys today, but they are around. We captured a flock of them on our cabin camera this week. The photos showed that they were quite content in the companionship of a beautiful deer. The cabin camera also revealed that a bobcat and coyote walked right on by at a leisurely pace during one night last week.
Sudo can run super fast! That's what greyhounds do! And since she is a sight-hound with inbred tendencies to run, we are extra careful to keep her near. Her leash is retractable, so she has good range. She's still a puppy and in training to return immediately when called. We are taking extra care not to lose her while she's in our care.
The wildflowers are beautiful and abundant right now.
Sudo enjoyed exploring around the homestead cabin on the other side of the meadow. It needs a new coat of paint, but in the meantime, I am enjoying its chippy wear.
At dusk the woods can seem very dark!
Time for a bit of a rest before we return home.
Sudo was tired after her busy day. She was zonked out as soon as the truck was on the road. As we neared the base of the mountain we saw some deer right beside the road. We stopped to enjoy them. They were so contented eating from the pea field that they barely looked up! Sweet peas were all that they were concerned with. And sleep was all Sudo cared about. Quietness and solitude. Nature. Respite.