Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Tea Lady

When we think of tea ladies, we usually picture women in beautiful Victorian style gowns or hats, gloves, proper tea service, and lovely things. But, I would like to introduce you to the 'true tea ladies' --- women who diligently work as tea pluckers on plantation groves --- so that we can partake in the great cuppa tea that so many of us enjoy.

The True Tea Lady

A picture speaks a thousand words. . .

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Garden Greens and Violets

Our menu for supper tonight was bean enchiladas, spiced Spanish millet, and a garden green salad. It was the first meal from our garden greens. Oh, they were fresh and so delicious! There were freckled and white violets blooming nearby, so I added them in as well as some fresh curly parsley, Italian parsley, and cilantro from the herb garden. The violets were 'not' picked out of the salad at meal time --- by now my family is used to my ways. The guys ate them without a second glance or a single complaint.

Just think about all the vitamins and minerals in those garden fresh greens!

I used garden scissors to snip the baby greens. Since they were scatter planted, rather than placed in rows, the early harvest by snipping (not pulling) helps to thin them out and yet gives the plants opportunity to sprout new growth from the roots still in the ground.

I had to replant three new tomato bushes. Although I covered them at night during the freezing nights a week or so ago, some of them didn't look very healthy, so I pulled them out and replanted. The spring bush peas are growing, and the Cherokee bush beans have pushed their heart-shaped leaves out of the soil. Walla Walla Sweet onions are growing in two of my garden 'squares' and this week the pickling cukes and regular cucumbers have sprouted leaves through the earth. The beet greens are a little behind, but are coming along alright.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Herbal Infusions

This week Tina and Maryanne are conducting their online 'Balms & Salves' class. I've always wanted to learn about making herbal toiletries, so excitedly signed up for their class. A kit containing all the ingredients, containers, and tools was sent last week. And this week they opened their 'classroom' via a Yahoo Groups group. Most importantly, they are there to answer questions and share their expertise.

Several days before we started the process of making the balms and salves we learned how to infuse herbs in a carrier oil. The herb used for this class was calendula petal. The carrier oil was a blend of oils prepared by Tina and Maryanne of apricot kernel, avocado, jojoba & Vitamin E. After the calendula had been in the a sunny spot for a few days, it was strained so that the oil was free of particles. [The oil saturated petals were saved in a coffee filter and tied with a twisty --- and went into a hot bath! It was pure luxury!].

The oils are a versatile medium for extracting the herbal constituents and making them available for use in the herbal products being made.

Balms & Salves

Since this was a class for learning techniques (not for production), we used very small portions of product to make single portions of several types of balms and salves. Tiny glass bowls, a teaspoon, a dropper, and small amounts of mango butter, beeswax, cocoa butter, oils, and essential oils were used. It was very satisfying to follow the instructions and end up with a viable product! The peppermint lip balm smells and feels so good. The lotion bar contains oils that insects don't like --- so it's called a Bug-be-Gone Bar. The last two items were to be healing salves using tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil. But, I couldn't help myself. I raided my own stock of essential oils and made a jar of LAVENDER salve and another of rose salve instead. They smell heavenly! Needless to say, my skin is now soft and fragrant. I didn't want to waste a single bit of product, so used whatever stuck on spoon or bowl on my hands, elbows, arms, and face! Pure delight!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Tranquil Lavender Potpourri

Lavender bud improves with time. Somehow the aging process enhances the fragrance. New lavender will be blooming by June in my garden --- and I still have some of last year's bud to use. So, I found this recipe with plans to mix up a batch of fragrant batch of lavender potpourri. I have everything on hand except the orris root. I'll blend everything together except the orris root and lavender essential oil. . . and when the orris root arrives, add them in. Here's the recipe:

Tranquil Lavender Potpourri

4 cups lavender bud, dried
2 cups rose petals, dried
1 cup mixed culinary herbs of choice (oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, sage)
1 cup spearmint
1/2 cup southernwood*
1/4 cup chopped orris root mixed with 1 tsp. lavender essential oil

Combine all the ingredients and stir gently. Place mixture in a glass jar and cover with a lid. Allow to blend for 4 - 6 weeks. Then, display in a pretty jar or in sachet bags or sacks.

*Southernwood is 'Artemisia abrotanum', a type of wormwood. If not available, it can be omitted from the recipe. It adds a camphor-type odor and is used frequently as a natural air freshener. May substitute with another variety of artemisia if desired.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

". . .hurt not the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree. . ."

Revelation 9:4

A Rite of Spring

It's a 'rite of spring' in our family to take our first trip up the mountain each year, finding wildflowers and opening up the cabin for the season. And it's always a guessing game to try to determine just when the roads will be cleared of enough snow and mud for us to make it through. Generally we are over-eager and have been known to get stuck before and have had to receive assistance from others in getting our rig out of mud or snowbank. Yesterday we decided to see 'how far' we could get in our journey up the mountain. Wildflowers, patches of snow, a few raindrops, and other eager people were common sights on this trek. The higher we got, the fewer the flowers (and the people). And, the higher we got, the smaller the flowers grew. We were surprised and delighted to be able to drive right to the cabin, with only a few barriers to our progress. We had a little tree removal necessary on our cabin-woods road by Brent and Rylan --- as a tree blew over in a winter storm and blocked the roadway. Fortunately it was a small tree and we were able to make a simple passage so we could continue down the road. It's always exciting for us to be able to open up the cabin for spring --- and to determine what things happened 'at the cabin' during our absence. The lavender is gangly and needs trimmed, but survived being buried in four feet of snow! And yes, it grows much shorter at the cabin than in the valley below; but at five years old, it continues to grow and bloom each year. Chipmunks evidently set up housekeeping in the outhouse. Their standards vary greatly from mine! They found much to soften their nests with, though. A broom and some disinfectant are noted as necessities for next trip. The top of a tree snapped and fell --- right beside the cabin --- but fortunately fell downhill and across the watershed trail, rather than on the cabin roof! And somehow, even amongst a damp, snowy winter --- dust has managed to settle on the furniture and it all needs polished and freshened for spring! But, the work could wait! We hiked, ate, read a good book, enjoyed warmth from the fire, and visited with our cabin neighbor. Serenity, calm, peace, and nature --- God's gifts on a beautiful spring day!

The doors are covered with plywood during the winter for added security and to keep water from seeping in on the floors during the spring snow-melt. We still have snow on the shady side of the cabin and in the darkest parts of the woods.

A cozy fire --- a good book --- the love of family --- pure bliss! As the fire warmed the cabin, it creaked and groaned after a cold and quiet winter!

A cuppa tea and a simple supper --- by candlelight and firelight, of course!

Elk and a bear were seen from our front yard viewpoint. Spotting them with binoculars (and sometimes our naked eyes) is a captivating afternoon activity. It's still chilly in the mountains, with passing storms blowing by and distant snow gracing far ridges and mountaintops.

Friday, April 20, 2007

A Little Flower

"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly.
"One must have freedom, sunshine and a little flower."

Hans Christian Anderson

I believe that a cuppa tea should be added to this list as well, don't you?

The book in this photo is a blank journal like is so popular today. On the first page, in beautiful, old-fashioned handwriting it says: "To Adriana Owen from your brother and loving sister. Orie and Fannie Harrington Xmas 1910"

Sugared Flowers

Beautiful magazines that promote lovely living frequently feature sugared flowers and the instructions for making them. Each spring when my violets are blooming, I think about how nice it would be to have sugared flowers. The instructions always say to take some egg white, mix with a little water, paint on petals, dip in ultra-fine sugar, and allow to dry. They also give the classic warning about the potential for salmonella, as the egg whites are only dried and not cooked. Food safety is important to me and I don't want to make anything that might cause anyone to get sick. Even though the petals are used mostly for decor, the risk is still too great. So, I've just dreamed about sugared flowers and tried to think of an alternative way to achieve the same results.
Both egg whites and egg yolks carry risk for this illness. Here's information from the Centers for Disease Control regarding salmonella and egg whites:

As I thought about the sugaring technique, I decided that the egg white was needed for two purposes: to make the sugar stick and to keep the petal from wilting. As the egg white dries, it becomes stiff and keeps the petal stretched out and non-wrinkly. I decided that there must be some other way to achieve the same results. My experience with vegan cooking led me to analyze all the egg substitutes I knew of. Tapioca starch, tofu blend, and commercial egg replacers wouldn't work --- but then I remembered the flax seed gel method of replacing eggs. I thought that it just might work and set out to try this method.

Making Sugared Violets and Pansies

Here are my instructions for making 'food safe' sugared flowers. Be sure to use non-toxic flowers for sugaring.

1. Bring 1/4 cup flax seed gel and 1 cup water to a boil. Stir occasionally and allow to cook for 3 - 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow mixture to cool. The liquid portion of this mixture will turn thick and have a similar consistency to egg whites.

2. Don't worry about straining out the flax seeds. I tried and it's too difficult and unnecessary for this application.

3. Use a soft paintbrush and gently wash each petal in flax seed gel. Only paint the top side. If the gel is too thick, stir in a small amount of water. Tweezers are needed to hold the petal without damaging the flower.

4. Once petal is painted, gently sprinkle ultra-fine sugar over the petals. Not much sugar is needed. I thought that about 1/2 the sugar would fall off when the flower dried, so added a little more sugar than really necessary. The sugar did not dry and fall off as expected! About 99% of the sugar stayed on the petals! Flax seed gel is very 'binding'.

5. Set flowers on parchment paper or a hard, flat surface. Do not touch. Allow to dry completely.

6. When ready to use, take a small, sharp object and/or tweezers and gently remove the blossom and place on cupcakes, cookies, or brownies. A lovely garnish!

7. Next time --- I will sugar a few leaves as well. I left a short stem on each blossom for ease in handling with tweezers. I will probably shorten them next time, although they snipped off easily with a pair of small scissors after blossoms dried.

Violas, pansies, and violets --- on mini poppy-seed cupcakes. Can you come for tea?

The Tea Wife

Kelli at There's No Place Like Home is having a "Show and Tell" today. I enjoyed seeing what those who contributed shared with others. Clarice from Storybook Woods told about a wooden doll from her childhood collection, and it reminded me of an interesting thrift shop find that I discovered yesterday. This handmade doll was made and signed by Granny Groler and was made in Windsor, Berkshire, UK. It was obviously made years back, but has received loving care. It was crafted with much detail. Real grains, seeds, and bits of tea fill containers and are set on a fringed tray. A tiny tea towel hangs from one side of the tray, and a soft blanket (for a picnic?) is pinned to the other. The 'tea wife' has a lace-trimmed underskirt, a big satin bow that ties on her white apron, and soft gray hair. She's interesting and I think I'll call her "Tea Wife Groler". What do you think?

Cousin Tutor Time

Yesterday I rode along with Rylan as he went to tutor his cousin in video production. They are creating a public service announcement for local television. As they worked on video footage that Matthew filmed in India and Sri Lanka last January, I visited with my sister and asked her many questions about their trip to tea plantations in Sri Lanka. Sis sent me home with more than 500 pictures and a wealth of information about two days of visiting people and places on several tea plantations there. I will be blogging about this soon. Stay tuned!

Yummy Tamales

Sis had teaching commitments at a local church where she is conducting children's programs each evening. So, at suppertime when Rylan took a break from instructing, I took him out to eat at a little vegan deli-bakery in this small college town. It was "totally RAW" night --- so their special was, of course, raw! I was intrigued by the raw (totally uncooked) tamales and sauces and ordered it. My meal was gluten-free, vegan, and raw! There were no enzymes destroyed in the preparation of this meal! It was also YUMMY!

Raw Sauces for Tamales

This vegan deli-bakery is owned and operated by college students. You can tell they take their role as business owners seriously --- they are innovative and serve delicious food! I enjoyed chatting with the young woman who was responsible for developing the tamale and sauces menu for the day's special. She told me that each week she tries to come up with something new --- foods like RAW lasagna, breads, and more. RAW food night doesn't mean 'just salads'. The sauces shown here are a fresh salsa, a vegan 'sour cream' (I'm sure it contained raw nuts; probably cashews --- and fresh lemon juice for tartness), and a raw mole sauce that was simply delicious. I could not determine exactly what she used for this recipe. Traditionally Mexican mole sauce contains dried chili peppers, ground nuts, spices, and chocolate. I don't think her sauce had chocolate in it, but she did tell me that raisins were one of her 'secret' ingredients. It was very good.

Filling the Tamales

The filling for the tamales was also delicious! The main ingredients were portabella mushrooms, white corn, and cilantro. A few other 'secret ingredients' were added to season and add to it's unique flavor. Just guessing, I'd say there was more fresh lemon juice added along with herbs and spices. It's shown here with the mole sauce and salsa.

We'll Be Back!

All in all, Rylan and I give this deli-bakery a thumbs up! Their unique menu is plant-based, fresh, innovative, and simply delicious. We will be back --- next time we are in town!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Not Just for the Birds

Millet it a grain mostly commonly associated with bird feed. But, it is also a highly nutritious whole grain with nutritional qualities much like wheat. This is good news for those who are celiac and must avoid gluten. Delicious slow-cooked on stove top like breakfast cereal, or ground into flour (called Bajari in western India), it is versatile and inexpensive. Those with gluten sensitivities must avoid wheat, barley, rye, and oats. There are not many whole grains left, and whole grains are highly nutritious and important in the human diet. Millet is rich in B vitamins, especially niacin, B6 and folacin, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Therefore, I am always trying to think of new foods or new ways to incorporate whole grains in our family meals. Yesterday afternoon I got busy in the kitchen an invented a loaf that I call "Millet Loaf --- Not Just for the Birds". You might prefer to think of it as a fake meat loaf, but don't let that idea fool you. This is definately 'real' food! The loaf was savory and enjoyed by all. This recipe is a keeper! Here's the recipe:

Millet Loaf --- Not Just for the Birds

2 cups Brazil nuts, ground in blender
4 1/2 cups tomatoes (canned or tomato sauce)
2 medium onions, cut into chunks
4 Tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. Italian Seasoning
2 Tbsp. Bragg's Liquid Aminos
2 Tbsp. Bill's Best Chicknish
4 garlic cloves, pressed
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
4 cups carrots, grated
1 cup parsley, fresh
6 cups millet, freshly cooked (2 cups dry in 6 cups of water)
1 cup olives, chopped

1. Bring water to a boil. Add uncooked millet. Reduce heat to 'warm' and cover. Cook until millet is fluffy and tender, about 30 minutes.

2. Grind Brazil nuts in blender (may substitute raw cashews). Set aside.

3. Blend tomatoes until smooth. Set aside. Grate carrots and set aside. Chop parsley and add to carrots.

4. Saute' onions in olive oil.

5. In large bowl, mix millet, nuts, tomatoes, sauteed onions, olives, grated carrots, and chopped parsley. Mix in seasonings.

6. Place in a large, low, prepared casserole dish. Do not use a deep casserole. Place in preheated 375 degree F. oven and bake for 1 hour 15 minutes. Top will be crusty and crunchy. Delicious served with catsup or a homemade gravy.

*Bragg's Liquid Aminos can be substituted with soy sauce or tamari. Bill's Best Chicknish is a vegan chicken-style seasoning and is available at most health food stores.

Herbal Balms and Salves

This week a package I ordered from Essential Herbal arrived for me. Tina is offering an online herbal balms and salves class; I signed up to take it. The kit sent is filled with wonderful things! I think this is really going to be fun! Little dabs of this and that are in carefully labeled containers: a carrier oil, calendula petals, wheat germ oil, mango butter, cocoa butter, beeswax, and the oils peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, geranium, and lemongrass. The instructions say to start by infusing the carrier oil with calendula. I have the infusion 'happening' --- a pint jar filled with the calendula petals and carrier oil --- and sitting in a sunny spot. Stay tuned for my lessons, experimentation, and hopefully success!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Retro Fashion

Has there ever been something from your past that influenced you more than you would ever have originally thought? As I child, I enjoyed looking through my mother's old 9th grade Home Economics workbook. Called Applied Art and published by the Department of Education of the Government of British Columbia in 1948, I thought it contained so many interesting things. Even in the 1960's, everything in the book seemed so old fashioned! Workbook pages required the that the student cut out pictures from catalogues and magazines to illustrate a concept. . .or use paint and brush to design color schemes. Design principles applied to fashionable clothing, rules for accessorizing, color-schemes, and more were illustrated in this book. Throughout my teen years and beyond, this book peaked my interest in fashion, sewing, and design. And to think. . .it all started from one simple little book.

Every time I look at this picture, I imagine my mother applying the principles learned in Applied Arts Home Economics class. Isn't the hair fashionable? Mom was probably in 9th grade at the time this picture was taken. Mom is shown here with her younger sister, Evy, and her little brother, Harvey.

Here's a sample of one of the pages. This page illustrates the concept of accent or emphasis. Do you know that design concept? It's what relieves monotony by the addition of interesting form or colour, usually placed near the centre of interest [note the Canadian spelling?]. The pictures illustrate how color, form, collars, and embellishments can provide accent.

I think Mom did a pretty good job for a 14-year-old.

I love the colors and fabric selections on this page. Although this workbook was created using inexpensive school glue, the swatches are still firmly in place. The assignment was to select five pictures of human colour types (olive-skinned, fair brunette, ash blonde, blonde, red-haired) and then select samples of clothing colors that would look good on that person. I find the five human colour types selected by the textbook company interesting. Emphasis is placed heavily on the fair, light complexions and basically leaves out dark brown and black skin and hairstyles. Times sure have changed --- and fortunately ethnic diversity is now more freely considered.

Aren't these fabrics yummy?

How interesting to see Mom's analysis of what was fashionable in 1949. Kilt skirts, collars on sweaters, bare topped versions of dresses, blouses, and sweaters. . .tiered skirts, costume jewelry, and scarves. Boleros, weskets, dolman sleeves. Old fashioned? Maybe, but fashion does rotate, and the old always becomes new again.

Highlights of Style
The Season's Silhouette and General Trends

shorter hair styles . artificial flowers . shorty coats . narrow skirts . closed toes and heels . collars on sweaters . flared skirts

bolero . capes . jackets . tiered skirts . pearls

In the Garden Shed

The shelf in the garden shed is the holding corral for six or seven flats of plants. Little pony packs of four or six are lined up in trays, awaiting their turn to be released into the earth. Oh, for the life of cowgirl and pony. Instead, gardener and plant is what's happening here. Slowly, but surely, new plants are being transplanted into the earth. Some are pretty tender and we had frost one night this week, so the marigolds and dahlias are being kept in the sheltered shed until all danger of frost is past. The tomatoes were planted the day before this week's frost, but only one was affected and looks like it will survive and grow. A dozen or so plants are being planted each day: herbs in the kitchen garden by the back porch; coleus in our only really shady spot in the tea garden; and geraniums in pots by door entrance. Assorted perennials have been tucked here and there amongst greenery planted other years. Spring --- new growth, new green, and hope!

Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso'

This lavender is a "fat bud" French hybrid and is a staple for lavender growers. It has beautiful long stems that hold the darkest bluish-purple flower spikes of all the French lavenders. This lavender does fairly well in cold climates and blooms heavily each year. This is an excellent lavender for drying or wands, as the stems are long and the calyxes cling tightly to the flowering stems even after drying. Extremely fragrant, the strong lavender smell is mixed with a hint of camphor. The camphor smell works effectively in keeping deer and other visiting wildlife from nibbling on the plant!

This is a good time of year to look for this type of lavender in unusual places. Available at most lavender farms from $4.00 to $5.00 per plant, I was pleased to find it locally at the supermarket this year for $1.49 per plant.

Six new grosso lavender plants have found a new home in our garden beds. By June they will be blooming, although they won't reach full potential until next summer. This is one of my favorite lavenders. They work well planted as a specimen plant in a prominent place.

Hidcote, English Hybrid

Hidcote is an English Lavender hybrid; a lavandin. Blooming a little later than traditional English lavender, it continues blooming through mid-summer, making it a nice addition to the home garden. The lavandin's are sometimes referred to as the workhorses of lavender, because they bloom alot, grow to a nice size without getting gangly, and they have a delightful fragrance. Hidcote makes a wonderful border and works well in groupings with more in kind.

Seven of these delightful lavender plants await in the garden shed; my spaces are filling up. Where should these go?

Munstead, Lavandula Angustifolia

Munstead lavender is a Lavandula angustifolia or English lavender. It is very fragrant and is frequently selected as a favorite to be used in gourmet cooking. This lavender is bushy and short, making it ideal for creating hedges and rows.

Seven of these are waiting in the 'garden corral' for freedom in the soil!

The vegetable garden is a haze of spring green, as all the seeds have sprouted and are growing daily. The greens and bush peas sprouted last week; the yellow beets yesterday. We're still waiting for the beans and cucumbers to poke through the earth, but they were planted just last week and we'll have to wait a few more days.

We are using a variation of the 'square foot' garden method. Small areas are planted and harvested with new sections being replanted throughout the summer. The potting shed contains seeds that cannot be put in the earth until danger of frost is past -- or seeds for plants that will replace those once harvested --- mostly green leafy veggies.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Esau's Favorite Pottage

Research shows that Esau's pottage may have been what is known as Majaddara, a rice and lentil dish that is cooked with olive oil, onions, and flavorings. Lentils are a favorite in the Middle East and today Majaddara is a staple in the Lebanese and Palestinian diet, both in the Middle East and in America. Once considered a poor man's food, this dish is now favored as a high protein, health food by many Americans. Delicious either hot or cold, it is considered a staple of many. According to Internet sources, Jews from Syria and Egypt traditionally ate this dish twice a week, served hot on Thursday evening and cold on Sunday.

This afternoon I was looking for 'something new' to prepare for supper. When I found this recipe, I thought it sounded simple and tasty. My family likes lentils, and this was a new way to prepare them. We were not disappointed! The richness of the olive oil and sweet onions used in preparation of this dish gave it much depth of flavor. Because this was the first time we'd had this dish, I went with the 'plain' version (seasoned with sea salt). Other recipes add about 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/2 teaspoon allspice to a recipe with the general amounts that I used (posted below). Although the color of this lentil and rice dish is somewhat boring and bland, don't be fooled! It is rich in flavor and so very savory. Our family gives it a "10" and will be adopting it as a regular dish for family meals.



1 large onion, cut into thin strips
3 tablespoons vegetable olive oil
1/2 cup lentils, washed and soaked for 30 minutes
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 cups water
1 1/2 cups Basmati rice

Fry the onions in oil until tender. Remove the onions and spread on a plate covered with paper towels to absorb the extra oil.

To the oil, add the lentils, salt, 3 tablespoons olive oil and water. Bring to a boil with occasional stirring.

Add the rice, bring back to a boil and let boil until most of the water is absorbed.

Reduce the heat to low and let simmer 15 - 20 minutes or until rice and lentils are tender. Add more water if needed.

To serve, spoon rice mixture onto a large platter then sprinkle the fried onions on top of the rice. Sprinkle with a dash of salt.

Makes 4 to 6 servings

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dutch Treat

During the past few days I received a wonderful package of goodies from Lucy of Quilting with the Past. Lucy lives in the Netherlands and blogs about family, home, and quilting! She's a very talented and gifted quilter and she always inspires me! Recently we were talking about tea towels and foods of Holland. She mentioned that she would like to send me some Dutch tea towels. They were purchased in a farm community just for me! Both tea towels are very large and made of thick, absorbent cotton. They are both beautiful --- I can't decide which one I like the best. The red is checkered with white and exudes cheer! And the blue and white is darling with traditional Dutch windmills which I adore! The designs are woven into the towel rather than stamped on top. Perfect for wiping dishes, they will also come in very handy for table toppers or a picnic basket cover. Thank you, Lucy! I will think of you each time I use them and will always treasure them --- from my Dutch friend.

"Speculaas Kruiden"

175 gr flour
100 gr butter
75 gr brown sugar
.25 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. water
contents of spice package

Knead until it makes a ball.
Heat oven to 300 - 325 degrees F.
Oil the inside of the figure with kitchen oil.
Sprinkle some flour in it an dpress the dough in.
Cut the rest of the dough off.
Slam the mold, so the dough figure falls out.
Put it in the warm oven and bake for 20 - 25 minutes.


Aren't those windmills darling?

A beautiful little needle case, handcrafted by Lucy, rests on a red and white kitchen towel. The insert stitched to the inside of this holder in which needles are stored is made of light brown felt. Very handy for stitchery of any sort!