Thursday, December 11, 2008

Festival of Little Trees

It's the season of trees, and some beautiful and creative little trees have been in my sights this week. Their simplicity adds character to each tree and draws the viewer to appreciate each one.

Yesterday I enjoyed an delightful afternoon with Karleen. She made a yummy lunch of minestrone soup and fresh-baked artisan bread. After lunch we spent time sewing together, working on stitched Christmas gifts. I found these pretty little coasters sitting on her table and thought they were so cute. To make, colorful cotton print was ironed onto fusible webbing, then cut into a tree shape. Then iron onto felt, cut with pinking shears, and decorate with a fabric bow and button on top. Aren't they cute?

This week a talented friend sent me this Christmas card. It is so elegant in its simplicity! I love it! Marilyn used card stock for the card, and stitched on two layers of a Christmas tree cut-out. The stitching goes from the top of the card to the bottom and a tail thread was left at the beginning and end.

The tree cut-outs are left flat for mailing, but once to their destination, the top layer can be folded upwards, giving a 3-D effect.

Marilyn tied a beautiful angel charm to the top of the tree. And look. . .

. . .there's a sweet message on the back! Made for an angel. My own little 'festival of little trees'. Which reminds me, today is the day to decorate our own Christmas tree. I've been savoring the holiday each step of the way. Our mountain tree has been appreciated for it's simple beauty as it stands in front of our picture window with nothing but Marilyn's tree card in it's branches. It's time to add some lights and ornaments. I'd better get busy.


  1. Thanks for featuring my Christmas card. I loved being able to make them. It was wonderful to return to being creative.

  2. I was surprised this morning to see my coaster trees on your blog! I didn't even realize you took pictures of them. Katie has commissioned me (us) to make coasters for her teachers today so another fun diversion from housework! Yesterday was fun, come again! ~Karleen

  3. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Your festival of trees is delightful! I'm new to blogging and want to invite you to participate in our first giveaway. Here is the link.
    See you there-Noelle

  4. Your tree card is as beautiful as the tree your huband and you selected. What a wonderful tree that you guys brought home to decorate; I have all faux trees.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    These little trees are just precious. What great ideas. I especially like the coasters and may try to make them next year after a sewing class or two. Thank you for sharing. Christmas blessings to you and your family.

  6. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I love the fabric trees.
    Your new teapot is so beautiful.

  7. Oh yes! I see what you meant in your comment on my blog! You are a very talented photographer. Your photography inspires me to do better on my blog.


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