Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Community Serves

It took a visitor and his family from a town seventy-five miles away to come up with a plan. On a journey to the area in the 1960's, they saw a mountain bluebird flit by. Knowing that they were becoming scarce and needed a place to nest, the gentleman fashioned a nest out of a discarded gallon can and fastened it to a fence post. They discovered that soon a bluebird pair took up residence! At home again, he made nine bluebird houses and the following spring drove back to the community, asking permission of the farmer's to place birdhouses on their fence posts. For three decades this family continued their gift of love to nature's blue treasures by creating and maintaining bluebird houses. The idea caught on and the local community joined them in their efforts. There have been up to 2500 bird boxes in use, willingly crafted and cared for by volunteer residents, farmers, and school children. What a labor of love! And what a wonderful way to entreat children to observe nature and God's little gifts!

It was a wonderful day! Tomorrow I will share more --- of old houses, deserted cemeteries, and a tail-gate picnic. I'll see you then!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely story ! and the birdhouses are so beautiful ! I have a birdhouse in my garden . sice 5 years I have every year visitors from a "Koolmees" couple!

    Thank you for sharing these !


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