Monday, October 08, 2007

O All Wide Places

'O all wide places, far from feverous towns!
Great shining seas! pine-forests! mountains wild!
Rock-bosomed shores! Rough heaths, and sheep-cropt downs!
Vast pallid clouds! blue spaces undefiled!
Room! give me room! give loneliness and air!
Free things and plenteous in your regions fair.

O God of mountains, star and boundless spaces!
O God of freedom and of joyous hearts!
When they face looketh forth from all men's faces;
There will be room enough in crowded marts
Brood thou around me, and the noise is o'er;
They universe my closet with shut door.'

George Macdonald

Sharing the scenery past wheat fields to mountain top on way to the cabin yesterday. The terrain changes so quickly with the seasons! Yesterday we had a fun time observing several dozen mule deer along the way and a family of four young raccoons. Although wild, they were so interested in 'us' and gazed upon 'us' as much as we gazed upon 'them'!


  1. I enjoyed your pretty picture and cute comments about the animals. And thanks for the verse too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what a beautiful picture! I love it

  4. Isn't God's decorating marvelous!
    kari & kijsa

  5. Reminds me of the Garth Brooks song That Summer. In it he talks about watching the wheat fields dance in the wind. Very serene.


  6. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and introducing me to yours! I'll be back again! ~ Lynda ♥

  7. lovely drive to the cabin . .I love the dry grass.

  8. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Beautiful field. I have never seen wheat,

  9. This is a lovely picture. I can just see the changes in my mind down your way. Fall is a perfect season in your part of the state.


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