Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Mighty Columbia

It was a beautiful autumn day, one in which I was blessed to take a drive along the Columbia River Gorge with my husband. The road follows the river, mile by mile. Rocks, waves, water fowl, a train on the track, a barge hauling wheat, and occasional stern wheel cruise ship, rocky cliffs, and sagebrush all provide much of interest to look at an observe. There's something so calming and serene about vast expanses of water and it was a lovely treat in the midst of an otherwise busy week. The ride along the river is the same one that Lewis and Clark traversed with the guidance of Sacajawea -- and was later used for transport by wagon trains trekking west from Fort Walla Walla to the Willamette Valley in Oregon as they turned their wagons into boats and floated towards the Pacific. History, beauty, geology and ecology, transportation, nature, and more all tied up into one beautiful flowing package -- the mighty Columbia.

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