Saturday, December 02, 2006

Applesauce and Cinnamon

Yesterday afternoon the kitchen was filled with the fragrance of cooked apples and cinnamon. Grandpa had given us a box of apples from his orchard, and fresh applesauce sounded so yummy! So, I filled a kettle with quartered and de-stemmed apples, added some water, and cooked them until they were soft and tender. Once cooked, the apples were poured into my old-fashioned, cone-shaped colander and the wooden plunger was used to squeeze out all the pulp. The result? Creamy, warm, and fragrant applesauce that we had for supper, served over toast and peanut butter with cinnamon sprinkled on top! Yum! It was a perfect supper for a cold winter night!

This applesauce maker was given to me by my mother-in-law soon after my husband and I married. Although I have a 'fancy' and modern applesauce maker as well, this one is my favorite. It's small and simple. I like that it fits easily into a bottom cupboard and is easy to clean. This one came from a thrift store, but I believe new ones can still be found in some hardware stores and possibly places like Lehman Hardware (on the web; an Amish hardware store).

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