Friday, December 22, 2006

Shining Forth

The lighthouse sends forth it's light to aid mariners on the surrounding ocean and it's been on for more than a century. Built in 1894, this lighthouse originally used light that was produced by five concentric wicks that were magnified by a 392-prism British-made Fresnel lens. It equalled 80,000 candle power and was visible 21 miles from shore. The light source was converted to electricity in 1934. Now a light is used that uses a 1,000-watt quartz bulb. It produces 2.5 million candle power and emits a flash every 10 seconds.

How many sailors and fishermen has it guided safely away from rocks and to the shore? This question haunted me as I read the front page of the local newspaper from a seaside town. A storm last week produced 35 foot waves and winds up to 100 miles per hour. A catamaran carrying a crew of three was enroute to Port Townsend, Washington from South Africa. After sailing so many miles, it was nearly to it's destination. The storm damaged the craft and it was washed ashore in Lincoln City, a place not far from this lighthouse. The crew has not been found, although Coast Guard helicopters and other search and rescue craft are searching the waters and shore for life rafts and/or signs of those who were aboard. The catamaran, damaged and lonely now, is being prepared to return to it's South African berth.

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