Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Productive Leisure

Our society places much emphasis on education and work. Important things, but even children, teens, and young adults are facing stress related symptoms and illnesses these days. They work hard at meeting the expectations that society places upon them and that they place upon themselves. Good grades, an after school job, working on projects that help the community, and home chores fill the busy days of our children. Down time, leisure, creative pursuits, and a time to socialize are important in finding balance in their lives. Leisure is the freedom from time-consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities. These times help balance the work and school related stresses and give youth time to connect with others. Are you graciously giving your child the gift of time to explore friendships, develop creativity, and enjoy leisure pursuits?

1 comment:

  1. How true. We see so many children running here and there to so many activities and lessons, that they have no time to be children.


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