Sunday, March 29, 2009

Treasures of Spring

"And the Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;
And each flower and herb on Earth's dark breast
Rose from the dreams of it's wintry rest.
The snowdrops and then the violet,
A rose from the ground with warm rain wet,
And their breath was mixed
with sweet odour sent
From the turf like the voice and the instrument."



  1. Interesting juxtaposition of quilted flowers among the real... That Shelley! What a poet!!

  2. Oh Thank You for the glimps of Spring. I can not wait for SPring to come to Ohio.

  3. I love your spring treasures!! And the poem is one of my faves!!

    How are you, my friend? Is life treating you kindly? I certainly hope so!!

    Have a glorious week full of blessings!!

  4. Beautiful poem! And I love the pretty pictures. Especially the quilt block with a cup of tea!!!
    Did you make those gorgeous quilts?
    Hope you're having a glorious Monday!

  5. I spent some time reading your recent posts here. I really like the dishes with the lavendar decorating them! The poem here is just lovely. Happy spring. I am sure you have more than crocus at your house!!

  6. Wow! Beautiful..........


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