Monday, March 23, 2009

A Calgon Moment

Of all the beautiful rooms in Terri's house, I think I love the bathroom the best! Isn't it beautiful? It exudes charm, elegance, sweetness, and serenity. It's the kind of place you'd like to escape to with a good book, a hot cup of tea, and all the time in the world. Bubbles and bath salts, the fragrance of essential oils, and soft bath towels to engulf oneself in after a hot soak. Nostalgia and tokens from simpler times past are represented by old bottles, old photos, and old accessories. Lace, layered upon itself, is embellished with dried roses. And a shower curtain made from a beautiful floral print in rose and cream accents the beautiful green color selected as this rooms base. Choosing just one thing as "favorite" in this room is difficult. There are too many delightful aspects to choose just one. I love the old-fashioned towel rack, the table painted to match the walls, the beadboard and ledges, the pretty hardwood floor, and of course that wonderfully elegant bathtub!

What are you favorite features in this room? If you could choose one element to replicate in your bathroom, what would it be?


  1. All of these things I enjoy...the romantic touch of old bottles and nice linens. But, what I'd really like to have in my own bathroom is more room. A larger bathroom is a wonderful thing.

  2. Oh, I would love to have that bathtub! I spend a lot of time soaking in the bath, and that looks like a very comfy tub!

  3. That wonderful, deep tub to soak my troubles away! ~Adrienne~

  4. I would chose the bathtub with the bench next to it. Awww! I can just imagine relaxing in that tub with a lovely book and cup of tea.


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