Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Cup of Tea

A Cup of Tea

When the world is all at odds
And the mind is all at sea

Then cease the useless tedium
And brew a cup of tea.

There is magic in its' fragrance,
There is solace in its' taste;

And laden moments vanish
Somehow into space.

And the world becomes a lovely thing!
There's beauty as you'll see;

All because you briefly stopped
To brew a cup of tea.

Author Unknown


Teacup and saucer: Old Country Roses, Peppermint Damask
2002 Royal Albert, Ltd.


  1. Lovely cup & saucer AND lovely quote. It is amazing how taking just a small amount of time to enjoy a cup of tea or anything else we love, can bring a few moments of bliss!

  2. Beautiful true. And a lovely photo.

  3. I just stopped the madness with an orange. I really wanted a bowl of potato chips. Ha! A cup of tea will be my next go-to thing. What a sweet little poem about the benefits of tea.

  4. Oh goodness, I didn't realize there was a Royal Albert pattern with "peppermint" in the name! I need one of those for when I'm sipping mint teas!

  5. I love that variation of Old Country Roses. I'm drinking my morning tea from a blue and white china mug - a good way to start my day. I hope yours is full of joy.

  6. Beautiful teacup and poem!

  7. Beautiful cup, beautiful words! Thanks for the share.

  8. Beautiful! I'm busier than a queen bee in a beehive - getting ready to take our cabin-on-wheels to a girlfriends' campout this weekend. In the middle of it all I MUST stop for a few moments to savor a good cup of tea. I always have a tea kettle, teapot and special teacup that stays in our trailer. It goes where I go!

  9. Beautiful tea poem to accompany a gorgeous teacup!

  10. I like the Peppermint Damask, very pretty colour with the roses.

  11. So glad you linked to Tea In The Garden! Lovely cup and saucer!

  12. I used to start my Tea Talks with that poem!
    Lovely cuppa.


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