Thursday, January 28, 2010

At Thy Door

"Go not abroad for happiness. 
For see it is a flower that blooms at thy door."

~ Minot J. Savage ~
Faraway Ranch, Arizona


  1. Wonderful quote! I'll be closer to your neck of the woods next week. Yippee!

  2. Loved the quote and the colorful combination door! Thanks L! Sincerely, Susan from

  3. I love the quote too. The door reminds me that you would be traveling sometime this winter to Arizona. I hope you have or had a wonderful trip.

  4. How true! What a great reminder to be thankful for what is right at my door.

  5. Delightful...and I do love a yellow door!

  6. Love that yellow door! But then, you know I love yellow! The quote is wonderful! Think I'll go paint ny door yellow! ~Adrienne~


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