Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Kindred-Spirit Friend

A kindred-spirit friend celebrates the best in you, reveres and completes the deep unspoken part of your innermost being, honors your victories, and mourns your losses. Such a friend opens doors of discovery into places your soul never knew existed. You have a sense that the very act of giving from your heart is at the same time a refilling.

~ Heartlifters for Friends ~


  1. so true!!! what beautiful young ladies!

  2. They look like good friends and I love the pink Oriental-styled dresses. They complement each other very well. What a beautiful quote, too!

  3. I think kindred spirit friends are gifts. When we part from them, like, by moving away, we are sad. Thanks for the sweet post. Sincerely, Susan from

  4. Kindred spirit friends are difficult to come by, but when they come along we must cherish them. Yes, as Susan said, they are gifts.

  5. Beautiful words. I feel so blessed to have a friend like that. They are rare treasures.


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