Monday, June 08, 2009

The Wild Garden

Observing the changes that take place in 'the wild gardens' of meadow and hollow on the mountain is something I enjoy. Each week there is something new and something gone. The Dog Tooth Violets are no longer blooming. Their blossoms have gone to seed and their vibrant yellow is missing in the meadow. The Grass Widows are also spent, leaving green where vibrant purple once waved. These colorful flowers have been replaced by yellow and purple flowers less spectacular, but interesting just the same. The lupine is blooming and wild strawberries dot the landscape. Dandelions, yellow and lavender violets, and camas are abundant. A variety of small white flowers add sparks of lightness to shadowed areas under tall trees. The woods come alive with all the tender flower gems. The prize of them all is the Calypso Lady Slipper Orchid, found along the trail from cabin to outhouse. It's always there each spring; one lonely little orchid. But seeing it alerts me that it's time to look further; down the pathway behind the woodshed to "Lady Slipper Hollow" where the are found scattered serenely in shady spots, under tree and log. Such beauty! In June, flower by flower, nature reveals her wonders.

*Click on picture for larger view.


  1. I love these wild flower photos. gorgeous!

  2. Thanks, Steph and Ellen.

  3. Great mosaic. I love wild flowers and your pictures are beautiful.


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