Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Bucky doesn't really like to pose, as he prefers prowling, batting, cuddling, and purring. But sometimes he will pose, briefly, for a picture or two. On this day I actually wasn't trying to get a picture of him at all, but rather of a sweetheart quilt my mother appliqued and embroidered. But Bucky thought it interesting and decided to examine it for a brief moment. Then a bee or bird distracted him and he was on to other adventures. So, let me tell you about this quilt. Each block background is different; a white on white print. Mom used scraps from a quilters scrap bag to cut out a multitude of heart shapes that were appliqued to the white on white blocks. Then, she embroidered them with her careful stitching, adding embellishment and outline. Bound with a lavender print, it becomes a lovely lap quilt that reminds me of mother's love. Sweethearts. Stitches of love.

I also made a quilt like this, although mine varies somewhat. I designed my pattern from memory and it ended up that the hearts on my quilt were a little larger. I used cream on cream prints and my quilt was not quite as large as the one mom made. Mom's was stitched in the ditch, and I tied mine instead. So, as they would say on Sesame Street, they are the same and different. If you'd like to see it, you can go here.


  1. What a beautiful treasure to have that your mom made! I love it!!

  2. Hi Sweetie!! I have to say that I think this is my favorite quilt of all that I have ever seen!! My Mom collected hearts so they have special meaning to me. This is just so simply lovely, and it makes me so happy to look at it!!

    Thanks for sharing it with us! What a beautiful gift of love from your Mom. My Mom knitted, so I have afghans she made for us that I love.

    Blessings and joy,friend

  3. What a beautiful quilt, and so extra special because your mother made it. I'm going to send this to my friend who makes quilts.


  4. What a beautiful quilt! Extra special that your mom made it for you:)

  5. Thank you, friends. I also made a quilt like this --- and have posted a link to it at the end of my Sweetheart post if you'd like to see it.

  6. A real treasure is one that was made by your mom. It is lovely. I liked your quilt too.

  7. Bucky understands the art of the pose, as demonstrated in both this photo and the thumbnail shot below. It was thoughful of you to provide him with a suitable backgrounds.

  8. What a labor of love - very talented lady!

  9. I love your heart quilt done by your mother, especially with all the different colors. I made a heart applique lap quilt for my sister several years ago. It was my most favorite. I'm glad Bucky stayed long enough so we could see how handsome he is.

  10. Just to let you know today I deleted my old Wordpress Blog which was Bernideen's TeaTime Blog http://bernideen.wordpress.com/..soplease delete this from your links.
    I will only be continuing my newer blog Bernideen's Tea Time Blog at http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.com/.
    Thank you

  11. I was so smitten with your own sweetheart quilt that it's currently on my inspiration to-do list. This one is just as gorgeous and renews my interest in making one for our house. Thanks for sharing these lovelies with us!

    Hugs, M

  12. Tiggie, Bucky sends his regards and says thanks for the comment regarding his posing abilities.

  13. Michelle, I would love to see your sweetheart quilt when you have it completed. Might it be done in pinks or blues?

  14. These are beautiful. I like the way you did the blanket stitch on your. You are inspiring me.


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