The Farm Chicks had their amazing show and sale at the fairgrounds in Spokane this past week-end. They have an update and pictures on their blog of this fun event. My friend, Paula, went to the show and I am excited about seeing her again and getting a first-hand report!
At A Haven for Vee, we learn that life has been weighing heavily upon Vee and her beloved mother and grandmother. My own mother had similar challenges to hers, so I know how much she would value and cherish your prayers and support. A sweet note to her can bring encouragement and hope for the day. She's busy though, so if you write, remember she doesn't have time to respond right now. You'll see what I mean when you read her post. God be with you and yours, Vee.
Over at Coffee, Tea, Books & Me, Brenda is adjusting to an emptier nest now that her darling daughter and family have gone back home. As always, Brenda has great insights for adjusting to changes, both in life and circumstance. Additionally, she illustrates how family is most important and can make their own fun in every situation. Happy summer, Brenda!
Linda at Friendships Tea share the perfect meld of all things tea and family. A grandson in the family provides opportunity for adventure and excitement as they explore places and things. Of course the tea kettle is always on, and Linda enjoys many a proper tea!
The Happy Wanderer, aka Ellen, shares all things family, food, and travel on her blog. Since she shares her time between California and Washington, there is always something new and interesting to read about on her blog. In addition to reading about her warm and wonderful extended family, I enjoy her tablescapes and food events. Food for inspiration!
Clarice always inspires me! At Storybook Woods, see her beautiful forget-me-knot tray and the other beautiful things she's been creating. Her appreciation for vintage and beautiful colors always draws me to her space. I always learn so much from her.
Stitching for a nursery and the nesting instinct are taking place at Sugar Bowl House. Michele is preparing for the addition of a new little one. She's always provided a view of her interesting quilting and knitting projects. Now they are presented with new focus. Congratulations, Michele! I'm excited for you and yours!
Marilyn has been blogging for one year now! Her Delights of the Heart always inspires as she shares tidbits of wisdom, all things tea, garden graces, and of her love for textiles. Best wishes for another great year of blogging, Marilyn! It's nice to have you as part of our world.
At Rosemary's Sampler, sisters Nancy and Susanna share the keyboard as they tell of life at Rosemary House and Sweet Remembrances. Their combination of tea room and herb shop with garden creates a perfect setting that showcases the best of all their talents and abilities. I always enjoy my visit to their blog-home.
Salina is blogging again, and I think you'll enjoy her artful creations. She's at Salina's Home Journal, a place where she shares her love of home, family, and the creative arts. I love her paper crafted items. Each has an element of charm and creative grace.
Inland Empire Girl at Gathering Around the Table shares inspiration for writing, gardening, travel, and more. Her gift of teaching blesses many, including a multitude of students who have sat in her classroom each year. My heart always holds a very special place for teachers of youth.
I've been sharing plant-based and gluten-free recipes at My Cozy Kitchen. You are always welcome to stop by. Even when eating 'without' food can be yummy and filling. Tantalize your taste buds with something new for dinner tonight.
And last, but not least, is the blog of one of Bucky's blogland friends, Tiggie. Tiggie has commented on a Bucky post from time to time, and if you want to see how happy things are for cats in blogland, be sure to stop by and visit him at Tiggie, a Faithful Orange Cat .
Happy reading! I hope the last of your tea is still warm --- and that you didn't get cookie crumbs all over your computer. Enjoy a blessed day!
Photo: Elm Street Antiques
Well thank you for the kind words about my blog LaTeaDah! I sure wish I had a cookie to crumb up my keyboard!!
ReplyDeleteEllen, at least we can share a cookie in our imaginations. What kind would you like?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words you said about Delights of the Heart. I have Oatmeal Apple cookies I could share.
ReplyDeleteI had chocolate chip cookie today!
ReplyDeleteI just love reading your blog.
A fun post today LaTDah. Thanks for sharing some of your friends and their blogs!
ReplyDeleteLa Tea Dah~ Thank you for including Rosemary's Sampler in your fun listing of blogland friends! I've enjoyed reading and visiting your other friends too! It's always good to make new friends and keep the old ones.
A very special hug to you today. :)
ReplyDeleteOne of the things I love most about this technology is how I've found other likeminded friends.
(Well, that and pictures of grandchildren in the Inbox.)
Thank you for the heartfelt comments and also for a group of great blogs to go visit. Happy week-end.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for including me in this great post about Blogland Friendships. I am very honored. I am so far behind in visiting my favorite blogs due to work on our house. But, the end is finally in sight.