Saturday, July 14, 2012

Heart Healthy Tea

Sipping on a cup of black tea can help lower blood pressure. A study reported in the published Archives of Internal Medicine reveals that drinking tea is beneficial for enhancing vascular health. Evidently the flavonoids in tea improve endothelial function. It is recommended that at least three cups of black tea be consumed a day in order to receive the full benefit of tea consumption. Now that's a doctor's order that's easy to take!


  1. Oh I love a good breakfast tea any time of day. Now I have permission. I'm assuming that coffee doesn't have the same benefits...

  2. So true! I think I have met my 3 cups for the day.

  3. So far, I've had 2 cups of green tea (hot) and 1 glass of black tea (iced). Gotta be something healthy in that combination, too!

  4. Ha, that sounds useful. Do you have a source for the research? Very interesting! (Although I wonder how much of this effect is psychological... perhaps frequent tea-drinkers allow themselves to de-stress for a few moments a day?)

  5. Can't say as I've tried black tea. I usually make lots of green tea and mix it with peach or raspberry. Makes it taste better. And I drink it cold. Keep it in Nalgene containers in the refridge. Susan

  6. Anonymous3:45 AM

    No wonder my BP is normally 97/68 !!! (True!) :-)


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