Monday, April 16, 2012


Our spring garden is sprouting. Scattered rows of kale, broccoli rabe, endive, radishes, and mixed lettuces are spread over the dark soil like green confetti. At our house, we're trying to add more dark, green, leafy vegetables to our daily diet. Homegrown organic is much more convenient and less expensive than greens from the supermarket or Farmer's Market. Hopefully we'll have some to harvest soon!

The renewed motivation for greens comes from the inspiration of Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He's the author of a book called "Eat to Live". It's one I've had in my personal library for quite some time. I have appreciated the wealth of good, sound nutritional advice presented within the pages of this book. My friend, Tari, gave me a series of DVD's for my birthday this year. They are of lectures that Dr. Fuhrman gave for PBS. Although counsel from a book is great, seeing and hearing live presentations has been even more inspiring.

Here's one of the tips Dr. Fuhrman shared. It's something I am trying to incorporate into my daily diet (and into the entire households). It is to eat according to a daily GOMBS plan.

G = greens and green tea
O = onions
M = mushrooms
B = berries and beans
S = seeds

These foods contain high quantities of substances that protect one's health and heal the body. Studies show that when these foods are consumed daily, significant health benefits result. 

Have you been eating (or drinking) your greens, green tea, onions, mushrooms, berries, beans, and seeds? Go for it!


  1. Thanks for the tip! We've had our kale weather over from last fall. It is now sprouting and the sprouts (tiny little seed heads) are deliciious! We eat them raw or slightly case you have any. ;-)

  2. Hi there, I love Kale and also spincach; when I'm home I juice from dark green veges. Kale is great for the liver, and I'm sure a host of other things as well. What a wonderful garden you've got.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Your salad looks luscious, La Tea Dah. Absolutely luscious. I'd like to see some videos by that guy. Thanks for the thumbs up. Susan

  4. Looks real good to eat and it's great to look at with the vibrant colors!

  5. Don't always eat mushrooms - that is a new one, and I love them!! Try to eat lots of greens, and other veggies and fruit and we love beans! I've harvested some spinach and asparagus from mine - but really need to get the warm weather things in the ground!!


  6. I am the worse nutritional eater I know. I need to learn and do better. Thanks for the tips.

  7. I think I can safely say that I do eat some of those things each and every day. I think I might have that book somewhere around here. That salad sure looks refreshing. I tell you, feta cheese makes everything taste so yummy! Best wishes and happy, healthy eating! Tammy

  8. I love the composition of your photo of the greens. Beautiful. You can guess we are a bit behind you on harvesting. I was told the radishes are coming up!


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