Thursday, April 07, 2011

Blooming. . .finally!

Finally!  You may recall that I have had an ongoing love-hate relationship with this lovely zygocactus.  I wrote about it here and here . For five years I have been nurturing this stubborn plant.  When I received it, it bloomed immediately.  But every year since, it has refused to produce flowers.  I will say, though, that it has magnificent foliage!  The green parts of this plant have thrived under my constant care.  This year it again did not bloom for Christmas.  I had tried all the things I was supposed to do, like putting it in a dark closet for a month or placing it in a room that is kept cooler than others.  I finally gave up and decided to move it out into the unheated shop with a scented geranium plant I am wintering over.  It has sat in a south facing window in an unheated room since January.  Occasionally I have remembered to water it.  And look what happened!  Finally, it has decided to bloom!  Such simple things bring so much joy to the day!  After I was sure that it was not teasing me, I brought it back into the house so we can enjoy it daily.  It makes me smile every time I look at it.


  1. And how! It's blooming beautifully and all the way around. Is that one a Christmas cactus or an Easter cactus? My Easter cactus has only three blooms left. Looks as if it isn't going to make it to Easter.

  2. Yup, looks like an Easter Cactus. It's so beautiful! You obviously did the right thing and I guess that was ignoring it for awhile, lol!

    Any luck with orchids? I had one given to me at Christmas and now the blossoms are done. I'm wondering if I'll ever get it to bloom again.

  3. It is gorgeous! Now you know what to do for beautiful blooms :) Neglect. My orchids thrive on neglect too.

  4. It is beautiful!!
    Lisa :o)

  5. It was definitely worth the wait!
    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Ohhhh, beautious, La Tea Dah. I'd like another photo, enlarged and up close! Such magnificence. Susan

  7. It is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.


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