Friday, February 01, 2013

Violets Galore!

My mother had an affinity for spring flowers. She was an avid gardener and had an English style garden. She worked in it every day, rain or shine! Since she was a kindergarten teacher, she spent her days with small children who were always active and busy. Coming home and spending time weeding or cultivating in her garden was a stress reliever for mom. She loved her daily hour or two of garden therapy. It was rare when she missed a day working in her plants.

Her love for flowers spilled over into her inside life as well. Flowers were a theme seen in her hand embroidery, quilting, sewing, watercolor, and tea service. She was especially fond of violets, pansies, and the color purple.

This could be observed in her collection of violets teacups, teapots, and tea accessories. She enjoyed antiquing with friends. Generally, anything with violets on it took her breath away! I remember one time she took several pieces of her beautiful "Old Country Roses" china into an antique shop so she could trade for something she loved even more: violets. I remember that I gasped when I realized she'd done that!

I keep the violets teacups and teapots in a little blue cabinet. Sometimes they are organized with the teacups hanging on hooks; the saucers arranged like soldiers along the sides and back of the cabinet wall. And sometimes I keep them in a cosy shabby chic tangle, which is how I am enjoying them now. Stacked, tiered, and looking like they could tumble at any moment, they delight my sense of casual style.

A few pieces, like this little teapot, were collected by me. Mom's enthusiasm was contagious and sometimes we would visit thrift shops and antique stores together, looking for things that struck our fancy. Often, they were violet themed items. Although this teapot is covered with purple pansies, they are in the viola family and we always considered them as melding together with violets in loveliness.

Milk with your tea? Isn't this a sweet little pitcher?

And so is this one, although it is not as "fine" as the other one. No gold here!

This violets teapot shows violets in relief. It is full-size and quite stunning, but not at all my favorite. 

It always amazes me how each violet themed teacup seems to go with one another. I suppose it is the common theme, or maybe the common color. Whatever it is, I'm waiting eagerly for the spring violets to bloom in my "tea garden" so I can have a "violets tea party". How I wish mother could come. She would enjoy that.

Lastly, is a violets teapot that was given to me by a friend. It is a treasure. The base serves as a genteel teacup while the top portion holds the tea. It makes a lovely "tea party for one". Speaking of which, I think I shall go create one now.

Think spring!


  1. Much too early to think spring here. Spring may not arrive until June. It's been known to happen. Ha!

    How lovely the violets and pansies and anything in that color. February is my birth month so I know that color well.

    Your mother sounds like a Renaissance Woman (and a lot like my own mother), though my mother's gardening efforts were always cruelly thwarted by an overzealous mower.

    Oh that casual style you speak of warms my heart. It's so easy for me to achieve! =D

    Now I'm off to see what I missed and cannot believe that I did. You're a busy blogger.

  2. Thank you for the lovely post. I had been thinking about doing a post on violets for a while now. Reading your post from yesterday provided the right motivation for me. I do not, yet, own any tea ware with violets but I did post about violets, lilacs and forget me nots in Victorian art and ephemera.
    p.s. the delicate pitcher with the gold edges is my favorite.

  3. Oh, how lovely! There is no flower I'd rather see than a sweet violet, and I love them on my china, too. I enjoyed seeing all these special pieces.

  4. These definitely make us hopeful of spring! I too have a violet collection and love them! So glad to see you enjoying these and carrying on this heritage!

  5. Sweet! I felt spring in the air yesterday but know winter is still here! Pretty violets... very sweet and happy teapots!

  6. I love violets! When do they bloom where you live? They were always blooming near my birthday in March in the Midwest - and they were everywhere! Purple and white.

  7. Yes we can think Spring till it is reality! Love all those sweet violet vessels!!

  8. Your violet pieces are so beautiful. I love the tea for one!

  9. Violets are so special. I've tried to grow them, but without success. Your collection is beautiful.

  10. Oh La Tea Dah! Fabulous, fabulous violet collection. Loved seeing all of the beauties.

    Wowsers, your Mum traded in Old Country Roses dishes? Now that would be hard for me to do. That's my FOR BEST china.

    Oh, isn't it sad that we have to lose our Mummies? I'd love to give mine a big hug for Valentine's Day. Well, we will all meet once again one day.

    Thanks for sharing such loveliness. Susan

  11. How I would love to serve tea in these beauties. Thanks for sharing.
    Greetings from sunny South Africa

  12. I can fully understand anyone loving violets and purple pansies. They are so beautiful on teaware and you have some spectacular pieces. I think my favorite is the one with the violet knob on top, I love the shape of that teapot. Violets always remind me of my grandfather and his china that sits in my china cupboard now. The color purple on teaware always reminds me of a mutual friend that loves the color purple. Thanks for sharing and for creating the memories this morning.

  13. Such a beautiful and special collection. A violet tea in the English garden to plan. Enjoy your tea in the warm inside for now with your charming teapot for one LaDonna. Hurry Spring!

  14. It sounds like your mom was a very talented lady. That is a lovely collection of tea ware. Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

  15. Beautiful! Makes me think of spring.


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