Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tempests in Teapots

History tells us that King George IV of England was one of the first English collectors of teapots. Although he was not thought of positively in any way as a ruler of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, he was known to have a flare for fashion and good manners. His life was one of extravagance. He had a sense of style, leisure, and taste. Tea as a beverage was rare and expensive, available to only the elite and wealthy during the time of his rein. A Google search for teapots associated with George IV reveal a gathering of beautiful, expensive, sterling silver teapots. It appears that entire lines of teapots were designed during the George IV period. In connection to King George IV, we also discover that one of his contemporaries was Gioachino Rossini, a composer who wrote the scores for many operas. It's interesting to note that one of the characteristic mannerisms in Rossini's orchestral scoring is a long building sound that has been compared to creating "tempests in teapots by beginning in a whisper and rising to a flashing, glittering storm". And really, that is the way it works! Many people today still collect teapots and other beautiful tea accouterments. For hundred's of years, tea and its service has been a beautiful art.

Do you have a favorite teapot? Or a collection, perhaps?


  1. I have three. That doesn't count as a collection. They are quite dissimilar. The newest one, the Friendly Village one from Johnson Bros is my favorite for its pour — a lovely, easy, non-drip pour. Now do you have a favorite in your collection?

    Interesting post...

  2. I love my Royal Albert Celebration tea set. I also would like to won, some day, they Royal Albert Christmas porcelain that is decorated with jingle bells. I think it is so festive. Blessings!

  3. Interesting bit of teapot history.
    If you were to ask, which you did - No I don't collect. But they say anything over three is a collection, so somehow they have collected me. Love transferware too.

  4. Hello La Tea Dah...Well, I don't collect tea pots but I have a tea cup collection....not extensive but I have some very beautiful cups.

    Your wheat sticks sound so good. I might have to try that recipe.

    Thanks for your visits to my blog. Hope your Thursday is terrific. Susan


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