Rain, Rain, Go Away!
I keep hearing about 90 degree temperatures and wonder where they are! It's been cold and chilly here. Rain, wind, and coolness envelop us! Yesterday the distant mountains were white with fresh snow. Reports are that 10 - 14 inches of it fell at the summit of our closest mountain range. Farmers are trying to bring in the first cutting of hay (it's wet!) and the cherry crop is in danger because of the frequent rains. The strawberry harvest is a week or two behind, as it's not been warm enough to ripen them. It seems strange to have to wear a jacket when out and about, after all summer will be here officially in a few short days! I'm trying to go with the flow, but with outdoor graduation events planned for Rylan this week-end, I am feeling the stress of it all. With this much snow, I'm wondering if I should cancel the cabin potluck for family and friends and come up with an alternative venue. If we can get everyone there, the campfire will keep us toasty warm --- but the roads could be a slippery mess. We'll give in another day or two and then decide. . .. . .in the meantime, my tranquility has been replaced with a fair amount of anxety!Prayers and encouraging advice welcome! :) If you live where it's 90 degrees --- I'd be happy to share some coolness with you!
It's a strange year in our part of the world, isn't it? I'm praying that you will have peace as the weekend approaches. And that you will know whether or not to change your plans. Should be do a 'sunshine dance'? We don't need a rain dance! ~Adrienne~
ReplyDeleteOh Phooey! I'll be praying for you to make the best decision. Dear just flew out of Seattle this morning to come back to So.Cal. I know when you have an event planned it's troublesome to get this kind of glitch. Praying for peace and some sunshine!!
ReplyDeleteThis should be an exciting time for you and I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling anxious. I will pray that you feel a sense of peace and contentment. I will also pray for warmer temps and some sunshine!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am already feeling a measure of calmness from your prayers.
I'll take some of the coolness, just no more rain! What a pretty photo, I love the walkway. It certainly has been a strange spring!
Prayers being said for your anxiety to lift. I received my wonderful prizes PLUS extras, socks. Thankyou so much I have emailed you and posted on my blog. But I did forget to ask , did you embroider the book mark? It is so lovely, and I will remember you when I see it. Best wishes, Mog.
ReplyDeleteThe weather people say it is suppose to be a beautiful warmer weekend. I will also pray that happens just for you.
ReplyDeleteI am not fond of this rain and cold either ...but think that 90's would not be too pleasant either. Hope we have not skipped Summer altogether this year though !!
ReplyDeleteStrange weather! I'll share some heat with you if you'll share some cool with me. Ninety-eight degrees here and we're sweltering.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry...there's always a Plan B. And things will work out fine. They will.
We've had terrible weather here and it was quite hot. Many of the crops are flooded.
ReplyDeleteNext week's forecast is for highs in the 70s to replace the 90 degree temps of the past week. So much for AVERAGES.
Rain here in Latte' land too....tired of it...NEED sunshine...ASAP...
ReplyDeleteIt sure has been a strange weather year all over our country.
Ah, but look at how lovely your yard looks! I could sit on your porch for hours drinking tea and gazing at such beauty!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a blog anymore, therefore, I come as "anonymous". My name is Miriam and I just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful blog! It is a pleasure to come here - and your photos soothe my soul.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Namaste (God in me salutes God in you)
Interesting how the weather affects our lives--you are having cooler temps and rain which seems heaven-sent to us down here in Atlanta where the temps have been upper 90s and we are well into the second year of extreme drought conditions! Please do send a little of your weather to us and I send best wishes and prayers that your plans come together. Love your blog and am blessed by it each time I visit.
ReplyDeleteIs that your gorgeous garden path? I'll tell you where your 90's are, they are HERE!!! They come complete with dripping humidity here in the South, why not come for a visit or at least send us some cool rain!
ReplyDeleteWhat a surprise that you have all the rain and coolness! It's still hot and muggy here....but will cool some the rest of the week (we hope!)...
ReplyDeleteI do hope your weekend goes well. Sounds like you have some wonderful activities planned...but oh my! the enormity of it all! I'm stressed just reading about it!!! I'm sure it will be wonderful, though. Everything you do is so beautiful!
The weather is so strange everywhere, I think! We are having nice weather, but windy for days - very unusual. My sister told me that it just snowed in MT - in June! Crazy!
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel, it poured the weekend of my daughter's graduation. Never mind with everyone saying a prayer I am sure it will be a wonderful day. I'm praying for you too. Karen
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures of your yard! We had some weird weather in soutnern California a few weeks ago....high winds, rain, hail and 3 tornadoes!!! Strange indeed! Peace be unto you!
I pray daily for the best weather for you till the party is over !!!
ReplyDeleteWill trade our recent 100 degree days for your recent spring weather any time.
ReplyDeleteI'll take some of the cooler weather and some of the rain. We experienced temps over 100 this week while I was working outside doing laundry for the firemen at the Hyde Co, NC fire. I'm at home now and our grass is almost dead. Sounds like I'm whining, doesn't it? Wish I could sit in your rocker and look at that beautiful moist green grass.