Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fading Beauty

It looks like we avoided a hard frost last night, but just barely. Fog from the nearby rivers rolled in during the night, coating everything in a warm blanket in the early morning hours. The last of summer's beauty is fading slowly, with seeds, pods, and cones adorning plants. There are fewer and fewer flowers and buds in the garden. The roses that remain are looking leathery and worn. They are still beautiful, in their own way, of course. Preparations are being made for the cold winter months. Herbs are potted and have been put in a sheltered place so they can be clipped and trimmed for the last of fresh tisanes and spaghetti sauces! The squirrels are busy hiding seeds and nuts in interesting places in the yard. The schnauzers are going nuts themselves, as they can see them in the trees and will wait for hours at the tree base, just wishing they would come on down so they could chase! Can you see them waiting patiently in the picture? Saying good-bye to summer is always difficult, but winter creates an opportunity for spring to arrive with all things new. That is a precious gift to look forward to!

What are you doing to prepare for the winter months ahead?

Click on the photo for a larger view.


  1. I always enjoy your photos. I am glad that you pointed out the fact that your dogs were at the bottom of the tree waiting for the squirrels - I may have missed that detail. Cute photo!
    Have a great day!
    Lisa :O)

  2. These fading beauties are so pretty in this collage! I was surprised to have a slippery deck this morning and frost on the roof! I need to cut back a lot of plants outside...

  3. Beautiful photos. Today I worked on weeding and cleaning out flower beds. After that we will work on the garden. When everything is tidy, we will cover it all with pine straw from our forest and tell it all 'goodnight'.

  4. Love your rose hips and descriptions of preparing for winter. I need to soon bring my herbs into the kitchen window.


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