Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tea. Nature. Friends. Autumn

Autumn arrived right on schedule. We went from unseasonably hot weather to days of wind, rain, and chill. So far there has been on gentle transition. Long sleeved shirts, jackets, and boots have been dug out of the back of the closet for daily wear. Even on the mountain there was not a transition period. It's been a shock to my system! But I am trying to take it with grace and adjust as quickly as I can.

Just two shorts weeks ago we were sitting in these chairs, enjoying the view in short sleeves and sandals! It's hard to believe! The change of season brings its own beauty, though. I love the vibrant yellows and oranges of fall. The woods have a carpet of golden pine needles and there is a general crispness in the air!

Mountain flowers are in the last throws of bloom! Yellow is the color of the season. It's so pretty!

New grow is evident too, as summer's growing season helped new plants and trees sprout and grow. This pretty little pine tree is new and is not far from the cabin. It's so perfect in its tender form. New needles radiate from each branch in perfect symmetry.

Rain has settled all the dust of summer. Rocks glisten with the moisture and prints can be seen in the mud. In early summer we observed a mother doe and her newborn twins not far from the cabin. The little ones were curious about us and the mother kept a close watch nearby. Over the summer we've seen them nearby from pictures on our trail camera. Yesterday they stepped out to greet us near our meadow as we arrived. Curious. We were so happy to see that they had survived the summer and grown so well. The fawns are now adolescents and have lost their spots, but they still hang behind their mother as protector. Our trail camera also showed us pictures of a lumbering black bear that passed by the cabin while on his search for grubs and berries.

Inside a blazing fire was welcome! Come in and sit for awhile. I'll put the tea kettle on!

There is an art to warming up in front of the wood stove. First the front, then the back, and around and around until toasty warm!

Friends and their four-legged pets are always welcome. Yesterday two of each stopped by for lunch. Afterwards the rain stopped long enough for a walk in the woods.

The meadow is turning dry and golden after the summer heat. After we passed along the trail we heard crackling, like fireworks. A tall, dead tree crackled and popped as it fell. The forest is never quiet. 

Beautiful colors. Purples in autumn compliment yellow, orange, and gold so well!

Afterwards, we warmed up again with mugs of hot tea. Tea. Nature. Friends. Autumn. A perfect day!


  1. Que delícia ver seu blog...Parabéns!
    Fiquei curiosa: o que você faz, sua família? Lugar maravilhoso esse!
    Um grande abraço!

  2. Enjoying autumn at it's best!

  3. Autumn came in a hurry here, too. As I read blogs, I'm toasting in front of the fire, first one side, then another, just like you've said.

  4. I agree. There is nothing more refreshing than autumn in the mountains. Somehow, I feel more at peace when the colors and scents of autumn fill my senses. It is a time to gather, reflect and celebrate!

  5. Yes, autumn is a time of exhilaration and reflection. Somehow, i feel more at peace when the colors and scents of autumn fill my senses.

  6. Love autumn and your post was like reading a good book.

  7. Sounds great La Tea Dah! Just great. Would like to see the photos of that bear! Hope he doesn't decide to warm up by the woodstove, too.

    It must get colder on the mountain, right?

    It's fall here, too, but the cold weather hasn't come yet (thank goodness.) We've been having really gorgeous days.

    Happy Autumn! Susan

  8. I love your friendly cabin! What a great setting for enjoying autumn's treasures! I'd be going out to explore, coming backfir a warm up then heading back out until the sun was all the way down. Keeping the camera battery charged would be cruicial!

  9. Thanks for sharing your perfect autumn day. I can almost smell the pine scent and crunch of leaves under foot. The air crisp and clear. Ahh~the only way I can experience autumn...through others experiences.

  10. Very special invitation...I accept! I hope that there will be an adjustment to more seasonable weather. Too cold too fast is too shocking!


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