Sunday, December 27, 2009

Love Found

What's the earth with all its art, verse, music worth -
Compared with love, found, gained, and kept? 

Robert Browning

Happy Anniversary to the one I love. . .


  1. Happy Anniversary wishes! Love the quote.

  2. So sweet! Happy Anniversary!!

  3. Happy, happy anniversary!
    The 27th was my mother's birthday; so now I will remember it for you and Brent.

  4. said it already on Facebook - Congrats and here's to the next 31 years! Have a great time and every happiness. I've enjoyed your blog and looking at your lovely photos has opened up a whole new vista of a part of the world I don't know but I think it looks like what I read in David Guterson's East of the Mountain, set in Washington State. A beautiful book.
    Happy New Year to you and yours from a cold but not quite white Ireland!


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