Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Past

Christmas Past

The memories most enduring
No matter where we roam
Are those of Christmas Past
In a place we knew as home.

The magic of the season
With scent of wax and pine,
The aroma from the kitchen
That beckoned us to dine.

The dancing lights upon the tree
That cast their Yuletide spell,
The joyous song of carolers --- Peace on Earth --- Noel!

The ghosts of cherished loved ones;
They live and always will,
For no one ever dies in
The place where time stands still.

The treasured scenes of yesteryear ---
Could prayers but make them last,
Traditions of the heart live on
In dreams of Christmas Past.

C. D. Hay


  1. Beautiful!

  2. So lovely. Your Christmas look around here is beautiful LaTeaDah!

  3. Hi, I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to read your blog almost every day. What joy you bring to me.

    We (Ray) put a small, beautiful, artificial tree this year. He put two live poinsettias on the upright piano and lit the fire.

    We have a small beagle visiting this year and Ray has made him a nice littls house. Bodacious Beagle doen't seem to like it much. Maybe we'll put some cherry Christmas lights on it.

    I haven't been able to get out of the bed much this summer, but I thing of you and all the fun you're having all the time!


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