Sunday, May 06, 2012

Herb Swap Packages Arrive!

A few days ago I posted pictures and a list of items I shared with participants in my TEH Swap Group. All my packages to them were mailed last week and should have arrived by now. My packages went to Pennsylvania and New York. I've eagerly been checking my mailbox for packages sent. All three have arrived and I have really enjoyed viewing the contents and seeing what my swap partners decided to send to me. Each partner sent something different and unique to them and their interest in herbs. I especially appreciate that the things they sent were homemade by them. Here's what I received:

From M ~

Amazing Herbs Cookbook
Lotion Bar

Natural Laundry Soap
Italian Dressing and Marinade

Dill Dip Mix
Garlic and Herb Combination

Lemon Grass Dust Cloth

From B ~

Feverfew Extract
St. John's Wort Salve

Tension Headache Formula
Right on the Kisser Lip Balm

Catnip Muslin Bag
Lovage Seeds

Chive Seeds
Dill Seeds

From T ~

Happy Heart Elixir
Bar of Confetti Soap

Edible Flower Garden Seeds and Garden Stakes 
Herb Notepad

Thank you, swap partners! I enjoyed swapping with you and love the things you sent!

1 comment:

Thank you for commenting on my blog post. I am always happy to hear from blog readers. Your words encourage and inspire me. I am glad you stopped by to share conversation, recipes, ideas, and thoughts on creating a welcoming home.