Thursday, February 06, 2014

Baby, it's Cold Outside!

Baby, it's cold outside! This week I was hoping to find snowdrops blooming in my garden, but it's too cold to even check! Temperatures in the low teens are keeping everyone tucked inside a warm and cozy house. It's cold enough that even the old one has allowed our new grand-puppy to cuddle up beside her. She is sensitive to cold, so it seems like she wants to do a lot of cuddling on these chilly days.

How are things with you? Do you have snow and cabin fever? What are you doing to fill your days? Are you crafting? Taking tea? Sharing time with those you hold most dear?


  1. Hello La Tea Dah....Plenty of snow here in western Massachusetts, that's for sure. Yesterday was a snow day so all schools were closed. It was a lovely day, all to myself, inside the warm and cozy house. Got a LOT done in a leisurely manner. Loved each moment and savored every second. Today, I"m about to be out and about with my boots on! Nice to see your post. Susan

  2. What cute little cuddle-bugs! You may have to knit your new grand-puppy a sweater. We are taking life easy for the most part...I am not very productive.

  3. It is very cold even on this side of the mountains. Brrr. I'm staying inside instead of venturing out...

  4. I'd say they have the right idea, snuggling in all comfy and cozy! I've been reading and sipping tea like crazy, but I too am ready to go play in the garden!

  5. We have blowing snow and cold, cold here today!

  6. It's cold here on the Island. Seems to have a paralyzing effect in that I don't really want to do anything but drink tea and do handwork while sitting on the couch with a warm rice bag. Stay warm and cozy there.

  7. Sweet photo!
    Me, there is plenty of tea, a crafting project, taking pictures of the snow, throwing snowballs at the squirrels, and in general laziness and staying in.

  8. Still snowed and iced in here too. I am ready for it to melt away now.

  9. Hi there, It seems like forever since I've been here and for some reason you haven't been showing up on blogger reading I've missed you! It has been cold here in Colorado as well but today and tomorrow are supposed to warm up a bit. Yesterday was the first day in almost two weeks that I took our dog for a walk-just been to cold. Sending you warm winter hugs today.

  10. Adorable:) You don't even want to know how much snow we have here. I keep telling Mother Nature we've had enough but she just "ain't" listening:) The Full Moon is shining in all its glory tonight though and it looks lovely against the new fallen snow:)

  11. I'm far behind but trying to catch up a bit today. We had such cold weather and snow. Life has hit hard lately and I didn't have time to slow down for craft projects or fun - but I did have tea!


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