Thursday, February 02, 2012

A Friend and a Cuppa Tea

It feels so good to have a friend on whom you can depend.
A friend can help to mend a heart, boost you toward a brand-new start,
clown with carefree schoolgirl glee,
share a quiet cup of tea.
~ Jan Miller ~


  1. What a lovely quote. I hadn't heard it. Also love the embroidery.

  2. The best kind of friend...

  3. That is a pretty little embroidery piece. Did you make it? Hope you are having a great day. Tammy

  4. How lovely ~ both the embroidery and Jan's expression of friendship. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful sentiment!

  6. Darling embroidery...I remember doing one myself, though it didn't have the cheery tulips. Do you remember our days of Hospitali-tea? I do with great fondness.

  7. Wonderful thoughts! I have a friend like this. Love the embroidery.


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