Monday, January 09, 2012


After a holiday season shared with family and dear friends, I'm finding it difficult to get back into blog posting. The warmth and vibrancy of the holidays has morphed into simplicity and chilly weather. A transition post seems to be the best answer. Christmas in review is shown in this collage. . .soon to be followed by future posts which exemplify January days. Happy New Year to you and yours!


  1. Did I lose that comment?

  2. I think maybe --- this is the only one that's come through.

  3. Happy New Year to you too!! Looking forward to your posts!!

  4. I understand the post-Christmas lethargy. I actually completed 2 posts back to back in the last couple of days. Woohoo! Your Christmas looks like it was wonderfully embellished and attended! You do a beautiful job!

    I'm getting my blog groove in motion, so I look forward to future visits in 2012!

    Hugs, KJ

  5. Bless you as you relax a bit and regroup. Happy New Year right back at ya!

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  6. I understand completely. I find I like to browse, read and enjoy other blogs rather than writing. It is hard to get back to posting. The collage is a nice! Blessings!

  7. Love the warmth I see in these pictures.

  8. Blogging has been a bit of a challenge to me lately and I think it's because I haven't been out and about with my trusty camera...

  9. Lovely have such a way with a camera

  10. Hi La Tea Dah....Yeah, I can identify with the holiday let down. Putting all the Christmas stuff away is so tiresome but has to be done.

    So now, thoughts of spring! Hurray! Susan

  11. Well shoot!

    The mosaic is beautiful and warm with happy memories. The reds and golds throughout are so lovely.

    I also noted the stove and so I am wondering if it is electric or gas. If it is gas, I'd love to know more about it.

  12. I can almost feel the warmth from your collage of pictures. I have still not transitions. My house is still dressed up for the holidays. I am just not ready for winter simplicity. Probably this week-end.

  13. The holidays look like they were cozy, comforting and colorful. It's like being on vacation -- hard to get back into the swing of things. When you have so much activity going on, it's hard to know what to do with yourself when it is quiet once again. We just finished our first week back at school after 2 weeks off and I am pooped. So glad it's the weekend. Hope you are having a good one. Tammy


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