Thursday, January 09, 2014

A Dreamer's Snowfall

I love this poem! Especially these parts. . .

A song is in the snowfall,
A bird of soft, white wings. . .

A God is in the snowfall,
The God of peaceful homes. . .

And this:

A beauty's in the snowfall,
A Cinderella's shoe,
It's like a picture postcard
A world that's bright and new!

I hope you are enjoying winter. Has there been a snowfall near you recently?


  1. No snow but really cold!

  2. When winter moderates to the usual kind, perhaps I'll enjoy it more. It is my least favorite season. The poem is beautiful, though. Have you been out cross-country skiing or snowshoeing?

  3. Oh, La Tea Dah. Has there been any snowfall? Uh, yeah. LOTS. Was out shoveling this morning, to get to my car. ha! January in New England, so what else would I expect? Ha!

    Lovely poem, though. Susan

  4. That is beautiful! No snow here.

  5. Lovely poem...thank you so much for sharing and for dropping by my blog, Louise

  6. What a beautiful poem! And no, alas, I have yet to see a single snowflake here in Georgia this winter. (Insert sigh here ...)

  7. Snow is long gone. What beautiful words and images.

  8. Snow is all gone but more coming - maybe tonight! We get ours in March and April believe or not!

  9. Ummmm... enjoying?... not so much these days after one of the worst winters on record. But even I have to admit the snow is gorgeous on the sunny days after it falls.

    I thought of you when I bought a new cookbook for just a few dollars recently. It was on a publisher's overstock price on Amazon used. It is called Cornelia Guest's Simple Pleasures. I bought it even though she is a rich heiress and it is a vegan cookbook. It's really good. We were given a couple cases of dry garbanzo beans I'm looking through my current cookbooks for good ideas and this one was too good to pass up. Will talk about it more on my blog a little later.


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